Student Support System

Student Support System

In order to create an appropriate teaching-learning environment and ensure the quality of teacher education, the students will have access to the following support systems:

Self-Learning Materials (SLMs)

SLMs of all subjects are prepared by the Institute of Open Learning. The SLMs contain relevant contents with self-assessment exercises. The students are required to purchase these materials at the time of admission.

Contact Centre (CC)

Contact Centre is a place where the students are facilitated with various learning support activities such as Contact Sessions, Library facility, Audio Cassettes, and consultations, all facilitated by qualified Resource Persons.

Contact Session

Three Contact sessions of four days each are conducted during the whole year for the course with the aim of facilitating with reinforcing the students’ learning. These sessions are compulsory in nature for the students because they are the face to face sessions to have direct contact with the Resource person (Teacher Educators) of the IOL, Nepal.

Library Facility

A library equipped with electronic and printed reference materials will be available at all the CCs and at the IOL, Kathmandu centre. The students can study at the library and borrow books and other reference materials at their convenient time.

Resource Person (RP)

Students under this open learning programme can consult with the RPs who are available in each CC outside the Kathmandu valley and at the IOL in Kathmandu.